The Importance of Worshiping Together
The Importance of Worshiping Together (c) 2020 by Shamblin Stone
published by LifeRich Publishing, a division of Readers Digest
Available in hard cover for $30.99
Available in paperback for $13.99
Available as an ebook for $3.99
Worshiping Together Trailer
Interview with the Author
Miracles, techniques, and surrender. This is pretty much how I would sum up, reading this fascinating experience and advice from the author. Most of it sounds too good to be true for someone who might be pragmatic and realistic, but for people who experienced divine interventions and impossible life circumstances that became possible, they can truly connect to this book. In addition, adding Bible verses to support the interventions of miracles and impossible occurrences in a person’s life will make someone rethink their belief into something that resonates with the Spirit of this book.
It is a wonderful book that speaks so much about a person’s association to his relationship, faith, and life mission with God. Anyone who desires to establish or build a life connected to the Christian faith should read this book.
A guidebook on why people of the same faith should walk together and worship together.
This is a unique way of sharing and giving advice to people on how to walk the Christian faith. I personally think that most books about the Christian life are all about defending and explaining the scriptures, where they cannot truly connect to other people’s life experiences. But, hey, not this one! This book shares personal life experiences that will let you see how God has done wonders to Shamblin’s life. I would say that I can connect to it because I have personally encountered miracles or life experiences that are unexplainable and can only be attributed to God’s grace.
Read this awesome book and see how it changes your life! It sure made an impact on mine.
Fascinating, touching, and also quite technical in its ways. This to me is a well-rounded guidebook that will teach aspiring Christians and Christians how and why they should worship together. It has some techniques and it is explained thoroughly with a diagram on why this is important and how to become successful with it. In addition, it also explains why this is something that is not only made by the author based on his own experience of worship, but it is a written commandment/direction from God- with the Bible scriptures to back it up.
Another thing that makes this book a well-rounded read, is how it talks about the emotions and miraculous life interventions that God has let Shamblin experience. It is fascinating to learn about the many ways God has worked wonders for him and his group when they were sharing God’s words to the people in their community.
Sure is a very helpful and thoughtful book for Christians and people who are ready to receive God in their life.
The talk about surrender seemed overwhelming, at first. The talk about trust seemed elusive and the thought about letting God lead us can seem impossible for anyone who doesn’t know how. However, the fear of letting someone have control of your life vanishes when we let the scripture speak to us and we let God in our life. This is what Shamblin wants to tell us. Because of his deep desire to surrender and walk with God, he also experienced leading people into God's control. And as Shamblin's experience shaped him, he realized that worshipping together was what God had truly called him to do all along.
Worshipping together is more than just singing together. Shamblin talks about the right way to worship and as we read through the book, it begins to make sense. Learning about worship from the Scripture and realizing we can worship together when we have the same faith makes it easier to find yourself in the myriad of religions that is presented to us everywhere.
"Worshipping Together" was a great and interesting read for me. I believe it will be the same for anyone.
Shamblin’s life is definitely a great representation of how God works in people’s life. For non-believers, it will make them realize that his story can actually only be attributed to something miraculous. Surviving a near-death experience, having things work in his favor, and then turning around the act of suicide into an act of faith can only be attributed to a God intervened life. If you feel that you have a Spiritual calling as well, then you can definitely connect to Shamblin’s experience.
Also, this book is not only about making someone become a believer. It is a book that tells us the quality of our Spirit, and how this quality can turn our physical skills into something brilliant and fascinating.
When God enriches our Spirit, we are invincible and when He uses us for the good of all, we always become victorious.
In this book, we get to remember who we are after we have been corrupted by sin. It is not too late to rethink why we are here, what faith resonates with us, and who should walk with us.
Join Shamblin in his vision of Worshipping Together!
Shamblin is a great writer! He is able to touch the emotions of every reader. He is able to connect to us by sharing his life experience. His life is indeed a living testimony of his faith and when we understand how God worked with him, we also get to be inspired in re-uniting ourselves with God in prayer, songs, and worship with like-minded people.
Sure was a great read! I enjoyed this one because it is personal. Shamblin’s life experience inspires, and I also like it for its practical life advice.
Why we worship together is important in all aspects of our growth in the Spiritual realm and when we begin to understand it, we begin to walk in the commandments that God has directed us and we begin to realize what God wants for our lives to become.
Reading everything that Shamblin got himself into when he converted and surrendered to God will make anyone cry buckets of tears. That was a very touching story, and anyone who has experienced being at the lowest, most devastating life experience and then turned that around because of their faith can accept the teachings of this book. For some of us, who might still be in the logical, less emotional, and more practical ways of life, they will find this book elusive and hard to grasp. It is good to note that books like these might not be for everyone, and it is good for people who are already in the spiritual and less egoic ways of life.
In addition, Shamblin also discusses the core element of this book, which is all about why people need to worship together. I like this part for its thorough and intelligent discussion and also the relationship-building part with God and others.
Most of what is in this book already appear to be true for so many of us, but with more thorough and God-inspired words from Shamblin, this book inspires and gives direction for people who are ready to be with God.
If you are ready to walk with God, then this book is for you.
Walking with God, following His commandments, and trusting Him with all your heart and mind is partly what this book is all about. Some people might not be ready to accept this truth, but for some who have experienced life miracles and the works of God in their life, they will surely be able to connect with Shamblin’s story. In addition, sharing about how and why we should worship together is very helpful Biblical and practical advice. It tells me that, the only way we can truly be successful in this walk of faith with God and with others is if we allow God to direct it, therefore also being able to commune with people who believe in the same faith can be enriching and fulfilling.
Worshipping God and worshipping Him with others is what God has directed His people. Reading this book will make us all understand the importance of this.
So many awesome and inspiring points in this book. I loved it and I enjoyed reading about Shamblin’s life.
In addition, I also like the fact that I am being taken into the relationship of his experience with what is in the Bible. His life is not just a decision he made, but it is in accordance with God’s plans. When we understand this, we get to realize that we too are chosen to be with God. There is no special person that God chooses, we all are chosen, if we listen with the intent to understand.
Worshipping together will change people’s mindset and it will help them realize how to live their life. If they live it in accordance with God’s commandments, worshipping with others, and maintaining that relationship with Him, then there is no way that our lives will be led astray. To me, it is only in this book that people will find themselves once again.
Insightful, reflective, and educational.
I believe it is insightful because it reveals the truth about the Bible and its doctrines. I liked that Shamblin shared his insight and how the scriptures are actually a resemblance of how his life evolved over time. His life experience will also give the readers insights into their own faith in God, and as one realizes that, one might get to understand how God can work.
It is reflective because of the insights Shamblin has given. When we know and reflect on his insights, we then figure out if this is something that resonates with us. Reflecting on other people’s life experiences helps us discover who we are and what will help us grow. This will help us find others who share our faith and walk with them in that like-mindedness which helps us to never go astray.
This book is educational because it teaches us about the Bible, the stories in the scriptures, and its meaning.
A must-read if you ask me.
Powerful, life-changing, and relevant.
This is a powerful book because the readers will soon realize the truth about it. It will change your life and it will lead you to a wonderful, Christ-centered life that the majority of us already feel the need to follow. This is a relevant piece in today’s time because so many are lost. We are experiencing a crisis that we do not know how to trust into making it an easier place to live peacefully and to live in harmony with each other. The good thing is this book changes that fear. It tells us the why- as to why we need to surrender to God. It then teaches us how to surrender, and why we need to walk and worship with others.
The stronger the bond that we have with God, the stronger our connection with others who believes in the same faith. And as we walk in faith with others, the more life becomes enriching, and the more we can manifest the intentions of God in our lives and why he created us.
Deeply profound and a lot of great things to learn. Shamblin’s life is a living testimony and it tells us why believing and surrendering to God will work wonders in our life. It also shares the beauty of relationships: relationships with God and with others. So many of us fail in creating a solid, trusting, and beautiful relationships with others, but when done in accordance with the diagram shown in this book, then it is but a pleasure to walk with others and worship with them.
God has shown himself to us in so many ways, some people hear Him, some people dismiss this calling, while others are still corrupted with the temptation of sin. This book will get us into alignment, and once we listen, feel, and let God lead us, then our doubts will never shake us anymore.
Read this book and see how it changes your life!
Interesting, fascinating, and many really good life advice to follow in our walk with faith in the Lord.
Shamblin’s life story is exceptional! He has given people hope and he has inspired people to believe in the beauty of surrendering to God. A lot of us may have forgotten what God has envisioned our lives to be, but if one takes the teachings of this book to heart, one understands why we need to reunite ourselves in deep faith.
Moreover, this book is not only about reuniting ourselves with God. It is also about our relationships with others, and why it is important to worship together. Worship, just like how Jesus exemplified His mission, is the way we should be worshipping together. We need to come as one - one mind, body, and Spirit - and then sharing this relationship that we have with God with others in prayers and songs.
Such an awesome read! Truly an interesting book to read!
Understanding God’s vision for humanity is something we ought to be able to comprehend. This is not only a comprehension that comes from His words on the scriptures but it needs to be exemplified in other people’s lives who have walked that least traveled road towards enlightenment. In this story, we will learn about Shamblin’s life. His near-death experiences, the attempted suicide that led to his surrendered faith, and his words of wisdom that was spoken to God in the hopes of connecting people together. His story is a great example and once we feel the real essence of it, we begin to feel his experience not different from ours.
This book is special, and should be read by everyone! Non- believers should be reading this book, in the hopes that it opens their life to great things and deep communion with God.
Blessed to have read this book!
After reading this book, it made me think about my own faith. This book made me realize how I have been living my life, and what I should do to be in alignment with God’s teachings. This book made me remember what I was born for, who I am and what will empower me. I have forgotten to live in the direction of God, as life has taken me into this Nirvana of getting, instead of receiving God’s words.
This book has changed me, and I know that it will change a lot of people who are open to let God in their life. I am grateful that Shamblin is teaching us about worship, why this is important, who we should be worshipping with and how to worship together. Alignment is key and building a relationship with God and others is also important. It is not only about Spirituality, but it is also about building a community that serves and worship God to achieve a peaceful and remarkable life.
Table of Contents
Preface “You Can’t Kill a Dead Man”..................................................................................... 1
The Biblical Worship Textbook Series
How I “Committed Suicide”
How God Talks to Man
The Power of Music
The Friendly People
Music Ministry Miracles
The Price of Miracles
The First Power Miracle
More Power Miracles
Herman Hill Park Follow-Up #1
The Music Festival of Joy
Follow-Up About Mike Warnke
Herman Hill Park Follow-Up #2
The Prophetic Principle
Approaching the End of Summer Tour 1975
The Fulfilment of Prophesy
Waiting for Surgery
Watching My Surgery
After Surgery
You Can’t Kill a Dead Man
Chapter One “The Two Most Powerful Expressions of Worship”............................................... 45
Music: A Powerful Expression of Worship
An Overview of Church History
The Expressor of Our Worship
The Exceptions to This Rule
The Two Most Powerful Expressions of Worship
Understanding Our Understanding
Praying and Singing on Both Levels
Learning to Pray With Our Spirit
Singing With the Spirit
Praying “in the Spirit”
Prayer Is to Individual Worship
. . . What Music Is to Worshiping Together
The Importance of Unity
Unity With Diversity
The Power of Music
Chapter Two “Perfected Praise”.......................................................................................... 75
Secular Ideas of Perfected Praise
Jesus’ Perfected Praise
Ordained Strength
What Does It Mean to Silence the Enemy?
How Did Lucifer Become the Enemy of God?
Lucifer’s First Punishment for These Sins
Lucifer’s Second Punishment
This Is Our Honor
Chapter Three “The Power of Worshiping Together”.............................................................. 95
The Conflict
Spiritual Warfare
The Weapons of Our Warfare
Biblical Deliverance
Joining Forces
Special Exceptions
Worship Together
Chapter Four “Two Levels of Relationships”.........................................................................115
The Worship Cycle
Types of Relationships
Human Relationships Require a Chain of Command
Relationships and Redemption
Relationships and Covenant
Relationships and the Ten Commandments
Relationships and the Greatest Commandments
These Relationships Must be Simultaneous
Relationships With God and His Nation
Relationships and Adoption
Relationships and Sacrifices
Relationships and New Testament Sacrifices
Chapter Five “The Device of Unforgiveness”....................................................................... 139
Knowing the Enemy
The Importance of Forgiveness
The Unforgiving Servant
Chapter Six “Protecting Our Relationships”.........................................................................147
The Importance of Humility
Being Agreed
God Intends for Us to Search for Truth
Truth Is a Gift from God
Chapter Seven “People Relationship Files”..........................................................................157
Gaining Understanding
People Files
Determining Motivations of Others
The Matthew Eighteen Process
Avoiding Offences