Eight Week Curriculum

for adults and older teens

Introductory Demonstration

"The Will is Chairman of the Board" (11:50)

Here is an example of the handouts for this course.  You can either open it, or print it to follow along with the Demo video.  It is in both a .pdf and .docx file.

ch9 Handouts Demo.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [232.0 KB]
ch9 Handouts Demo.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.6 KB]

Suggested Class Structure

(based on an approximate one hour class time)

1.    Opening - Welcome, worship, announcements, etc. (approximately five minutes)

2.     Watch video(s) (30 - 50 min)

3.     Group discussion - divide into groups of 3 or 4, and take turns commenting on the discussion questions

4.     Close in prayer and dismiss

Video Teaching Sessions

Week 1

Session 1 "Natural Understanding" (19:04)

Session 2 "What are Our Emotions?" (6:53)

Session 3 "The Will is Chairman of the Board" (11:50)

Week 2

Session 4 "The Search Engine" (25:22)

Session 5 "The Three Cognitive Functions of the Mind" (24:03)

Week 3

Session 6 "What are Strongholds?" (19:46)

Session 7 "Three Categories of Pleasurable Emotions" (10:32)

Session 8 "The Three Categories of Warning Emotions" (7:20)

Week 4

Session 9 "What Should We Think About?" (27:13)

Week 5

Session 10 "The Function of the Mind in Worship" (42:50)


Week 6

Session 11 "Reading Our Emotions" (29:16)

Session 12 "An Exercise in Reading Your Indicators" (9:18)

Week 7

Session 13 "Fear, a Unique Emotion" (9:43)

Session 14 "Anger and Sadness" (14:29)

Session 15 "A Lesson in Processing a Current Event File" (14:19)

Week 8

Session 16 "Emotions of Pleasure as Emotions of Warning" (7:47)

Session 17 "The Will is the Internal Switch" (19:25)

Session 18 "The Danger in Choosing Not to Worship" (21:16)


     These handouts are provided to help each student reinforce the pertinent points of each week.   They are in a "fill-in-the-blank" format.  All blanks are answered  in the videos in the order they are asked.  Each student should write in the blanks as they view the videos.  A short time at the end of each video should be given tor students to ask for answers they missed.

     You will find each handout in both a .pdf file as well as a .docx file for your convenience.  Please print these handouts out each week, and copy them for your students.  We suggest that you hole punch them for a 3-ring binder, and encourage everyone to bring a binder to keep their handouts in.  if the students use a binder with a clear plastic pocket on the cover, they can use the poster provided for an identifying cover for their binder.

Week 1

ch9 Handouts week 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [290.5 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 1.docx
Microsoft Word document [238.1 KB]

Week 2

ch9 Handouts week 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [249.2 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 2.docx
Microsoft Word document [278.6 KB]

Week 3

ch9 Handouts week 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [226.5 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 3.docx
Microsoft Word document [173.5 KB]

Week 4

ch9 Handouts week 4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [212.8 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 4.docx
Microsoft Word document [176.7 KB]

Week 5

ch9 Handouts week 5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [253.9 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 5.docx
Microsoft Word document [176.2 KB]

Week 6

ch9 Handouts week 6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [233.1 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 6.docx
Microsoft Word document [180.5 KB]

Week 7

ch9 Handouts week 7.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [243.3 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 7.docx
Microsoft Word document [180.0 KB]

Week 8

ch9 Handouts week 8.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [263.3 KB]
ch9 Handouts week 8.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.8 KB]

Promotion Materials

30 Second Promo Video

Show this video in your main church service for two or three weeks before the class starts.  Either tag onto this video with the dates, times, and place, or have someone announce that information verbally.  It is always a good idea to coordinate any announcement with church bulletin inserts as well.

Poster and Flyers:

If you right click on your mouse on the poster or flyers, you have the option to save image as to your computer, so you can print them out.  The posters will look better if you print them in color before posting them.  The sheet of flyers can be printed out once in color or grayscale, and photocopied.  Each paper should be cut into fourths.  You can use these flyers as bulletin inserts and handouts.

If you use this study,...

1.     Please write us a quick email, and let us know when you plan to use this material.  Our email addresse is stoneshamblin@sbcgliobal.net.


2.     YOU HAVE NO OBLIGATION to pay any money to use this material!  If it has helped you, consider making a donation to our ministry.  We suguest that you simply take up a "free-will" offering on the last day of class.  Make checks payable to The Worship College, and mail to:

The Worship College

1616 W. 33rd St. N.

Wichita, KS 67204.


3.     On the last day of class, please have the students fill out this questionnaire, and mail them all to us at the above address.

ch9 Evaluation Sheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [111.3 KB]
ch9 Evaluation Sheet.docx
Microsoft Word document [168.8 KB]

THANK YOU  for using our Bible Study material!